True confession: I sometimes hear voices. To be precisely accurate, I hear a voice. This voice seems to come from both within me and from outside of me. I know that makes no rational sense.
Martha, the heroine of my new novel Lost and Found: A Magical Journey on the Camino de Santiago (now available for free download here), also hears a voice. This voice comes to her, completely unexpectedly, as she’s walking the Camino. To her intense surprise, Martha’s healing is the voice’s aim and highest priority. Martha doesn’t know she needs to be healed, so she’s unprepared for what happens when she listens to the voice.
I got longer missives from the voice on the Camino in 2014, just as Martha does. At home, in real life, the voice isn’t as verbose.
I only hear the voice when I’m quiet, and usually just a phrase or a sentence. Short and to the point. The voice doesn’t mince words. I’m always surprised by what it says.
Here are a few examples. About twenty years ago, while doing yoga, the voice told me my job is “to understand and share.” Two summers ago, while sitting on a rock in the sun, feet in a high mountain lake, obsessing over something or over, the voice told me to relax and trust. “Stay connected and flow,” it said. I hear the voice in my coaching work with clients. It says things like, “Ask her about her connection to trees,” when I have no conscious reason to think a woman’s connection to trees is important.
Maybe it’s intuition. Maybe it’s God. Maybe I’m crazy. All I know is the voice has my healing as its aim and highest priority, and it’s always a good idea to listen.
This morning, feet in the Deschutes River, pondering my new inability to prioritize other people’s priorities over my own, I heard, loud and clear from out of nowhere, “I need to repair my leaks.”
What does this mean? Here’s what I think it means, for me and possibly for you:
I have a tendency to be diffuse, to let my energy leak. Like a porous canal or a pipe with a hole in it, my energy goes places I don’t necessarily want it to go. This is how women are trained in a patriarchal culture.
What’s actually true is that I am in charge of my energy, and I want to notice where my energy goes. I want to decide if it’s going where I want it to go, or if I’m prioritizing someone else’s priorities.
- Are things plugged into me that I don’t necessarily want to power?
- Am I trying to manage others’ reactions to me?
- Am I maintaining a façade? A fake front?
- Am I pretending to care about something I don’t actually care about?
- Am I attempting to control the uncontrollable?
- What incompletions and open loops are draining my energy?
You are in charge of your energy. Your energy is your life. Your energy is all you have.
You might be asking, “But won’t being selfish about where my energy goes make me a heartless monster??”
No. Here’s why: Being who we are, being connected to and flowing with the holy in our unique way in our unique life, is why we’re here. We’re not here to power other people. We’re not here to power institutions we don’t believe in. We’re not here to be colonized. We’re here to be free.
Ask yourself what you’re NOT here to do. What’s on your “To Don’t” list? Repairing those leaks directs your energy to your soul’s purpose. This is why you’re here – to make a conscious, intentional, reverent offering of your energy to the world.
Photo by Natalya Letunova on Unsplash
This is real good. I noticed resistance in my body when I went there, thinking about taking care of me “AT THE EXPENSE OF ALL OF THESE PEOPLE WHO DEPEND ON ME!” Wait, what? “I won’t be important if I prioritize myself!” Oh hell. I thought I’d dealt with that co-dependent dysfunction.
For sure. As women, we’re taught that our right to exist depends on how well we take care of others. That’s hard conditioning to break. xo
Thank you. Yes I agree. However I have also noticed that there are times when taking care of something ( like my dog and my flowers etc.) actually feed me and give me energy to be myself.
Peggy, I think you’re doing exactly what I’m advocating in the post: offering your energy consciously, intentionally, and reverently. You’re choosing where your energy will go.