I’ve been away for a while, finishing my novel. It’s my second big pandemic project. (My first one was becoming a Certified Wayfinder Life Coach. I finished my training back in 2012 but never jumped through the certification hoop.)
This novel erupted out of me in March of 2017. Its seed was a dream I had about a woman walking the Camino de Santiago who follows her soul’s urging to step through a little door into a Spanish church. Magic things happen. I totally “pantsed” it, a writing term that means I made it up as I went along. Magic happened because I pantsed it. I would never have had the courage to write some of what I wrote if I’d been following an outline.
Finishing this work has been challenging for me. I’ve shared bits and pieces on this blog, made sporadic attempts to edit and revise, but couldn’t muster up the energy to buckle down and get ‘er done. I’ve had to write connecting scenes and invent characters to make it all make sense. I’ve never written a novel before, and since I think I need to do everything perfectly the first time, whether I’ve done it before or not, I got just a wee bit stymied.
Now it’s coming, and it’s coming soon. I decided to publish it as a free PDF on my website, which lowered the pressure enormously and made finishing it possible. Those of you who’ve been asking when you can read the whole thing, I’m aiming for June 1st. Putting this child out into the world in an imperfect form (and believe you me, is it ever imperfect) is a huge stretch for me. But it’s taking up room in my creative abode, and it needs to leave home.
So that’s me. What have YOU been up to?
THIS IS HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t wait.
Woo hoo! I am excited for you! As a nonfiction writer and essayist, a novel just amazes me. Me, I’ve spent the afternoon checking that I have a comma between each volume and issue number in my bibliography.
Commas. Oy. Good luck!
Wow! I’m excited for this!
Congratulations to u!
Great news.
I’m so impressed! Congratulations–and I love the premise and your process–here’s to “pantsed it!”
Excited to read your novel! Thank you for giving a tantilizing update and what is next!
I’m so excited about your novel…. I’m also impressed with your courage!!!