I have a dream: imagine we all knew that we are perfect just as we are. We’re messy miracles and we’re fine with that. No need to be perfect or exceptional. Just breathe and love and raise good humans and be good friends, lovers, community members. If we knew that there’s always enough if we share. If we met ourselves and each other with a deep, holy, accepting, life-giving presence. If we said to each other everyday, “There you are. I’m so glad to share the planet with you.”
I posted these words on Facebook last night, November 4, 2020. If you’re reading this in the future, let me remind you – it’s the night after November 3, Election Day, and 24 hours later we still don’t know who won. (As I write this on November 5, 2020, we still don’t know who won. As I post on November 6, 2020, the winner is still unclear.)
No matter.
What matters is what we can control, which is how we live, move, and have our being in this precious world.
What’s your dream for our world?
I dream that all have enough food, shelter, water.
I dream that we live simply so others can simply live.
I dream that we remember that we are all connected.
I dream that we have each other’s backs.
When you’re sick, you know you’ll be cared for.
Your children will be held by a cadre of caregivers and meals delivered to your door.
Fossil fuel stays in the ground, and human encroachment into irreplaceable wild land is out of the question.
Plants and animals and ecosystems are cherished and valued.
Every person is welcomed into the human family, no question.
We can walk or bike to the grocery store, school, and park.
We have a robust and sustainable local food infrastructure.
We understand that we humans are part of the web of life, not outside of it.
I have a dream that the only achievement expected of us is that we grow into our fullness as humans. Both my gifts and my foibles are accepted with generosity, so I can be generous with my gifts and forgiving of my foibles, and yours.
I’m beginning to understand just how deeply comparison, scarcity, and the need to excel are embedded in my thought patterns. These thought patterns cause so much suffering. They stop the flow of creativity and love. They keep me stuck in perfectionism and fear.
Here’s the truth: You are perfect just as you are. We’re all messy miracles. We all have gifts. We all have parts of ourselves that don’t work so well and cause suffering for ourselves and others. That’s okay. That’s how humans are. Your only job is to breathe, love, and be a good human in all the contexts you find yourself. There is always enough when we share.
There you are. I’m so glad to share the planet with you.
Now, get clear on your outrageous dream, and live into it. Be courageously average, make mistakes, and be a good human.
Be a messy miracle.
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
Well said. I of course share your dream. I have found that it is sharing my vulnerability and my short comings with others and their sharing with me that brings us closer together, not our achievements. It is my learning to forgive myself for not being perfect while still doing the best I can that helps me not only forgive but feel a connection to them. We need these connections; without them we can not survive.
Thank you, Barb.
LOVE this so much! BTW, my word for 2020 is DREAM. For all the COVID stress, and Election stress I used DREAM to keep my focus on your list. Are you channeling me, or am I channeling you? Just joking. We are both linked to TRUTH. Thank God, in whatever form you hold dear. I sing The World is About to Turn, and On Eagles Wings in my sleep! Thank you, Barb for writing this down for so many!! You are a magnificent human being! 💕
“I’m beginning to understand just how deeply comparison, scarcity, and the need to excel are embedded in my thought patterns. These thought patterns cause so much suffering. They stop the flow of creativity and love. They keep me stuck in perfectionism and fear.”
Me too.
Thanks Barb.